234: Your face in Hannah Berry’s forthcoming graphic novel, LIVESTOCK

HannahBerryITEM: Your face in Hannah Berry’s forthcoming graphic novel, LIVESTOCK

DETAIL: “I will draw your shining face into my forthcoming graphic novel LIVESTOCK, due out 2015/6 from Jonathan Cape. The book is a socio-political satire, somewhere between The Thick Of It and Zoolander, all about a pop star. Given the subject, there is a strong chance you’ll appear as a sparkling celebrity of some variety…” – Hannah Berry

BIO: Hannah Berry is a vociferous advocate, enthusiastic teacher and jubilant practitioner of comics, and the author of two graphic novels published by Jonathan Cape: Adamtine and Britten and Brülightly, translated into several languages and in the Official Selection for the Angoulême International Comics Festival.

About K

YA writer. Voracious reader. Feminist. Home educator. Addicted to tea and Twitter.


  1. Pingback: Authors for the Philippines

  2. OMG. How brilliant would this be? Starting the bidding at £10.

  3. Not my face, but my son’s…£30

  4. malachydoyle

    My Liam’s. £40

  5. Mel Chadwick


  6. Amazing! I want this for my other half, a huge graphic novel fan £100

  7. Just in case that’s not enough… £125

  8. £160 – but don’t tell the Man. Cos it’ll be him!

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