94: Two signed books by Dave Cousins

waiting-for-gonzo-webITEM: Signed copies of 15 Days Without A Head and Waiting for Gonzo by Dave Cousins.

DETAIL: A signed copy of the US edition of “15 Days Without a Head” – a Junior Library Guild Selection in the US, described as “a finely crafted debut that strikes a delicate balance between humor and pathos” by Kirkus Reviews.

And a signed copy of the UK edition of “Waiting for Gonzo” complete with an exclusive CD copy of the soundtrack (not available in the shops!).

Packed with action, heart and humour, “Waiting for Gonzo” takes you for a white-knuckle ride on the Wheel of Destiny as it careers out of control down the Hillside of Inevitability. The question is: do you go down laughing? Or grit your teeth, and jump off…


  1. Jana

    30.00 USD = 18.7089 GBP

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