56: Picture Book Critique by Sarah McIntyre

sarah_mcintyre_biopicITEM: Picture Book Critique by Sarah McIntyre

DETAILS: Manuscript/submission package critique of your picture book from Sarah McIntyre. E-mail your book proposal and Sarah will read it and write back via e-mail with support, constructive criticism and any thoughts she may have on submitting your book. A rare opportunity; Sarah states in her website FAQs that she doesn’t usually do this.

BIO: Award-winning writer-illustrator of VERN AND LETTUCE and the upcoming THERE’S A SHARK IN THE BATH. Illustrated MORRIS THE MANKIEST MONSTER, YOU CAN’T SCARE A PRINCESS! and other books listed on her website: http://www.jabberworks.co.uk

About K

YA writer. Voracious reader. Feminist. Home educator. Addicted to tea and Twitter.


  1. OK so this is nowhere near it’s actual value, but let’s get it started at £30

  2. livvielou

    I was donating anyway, but if I can get a critique from this lady too…


    Keep bidding everyone. 🙂

  3. Wanted to make a donation and this seems brilliant – £80.

  4. livvielou


    And it’s only Wednesday 🙂

    Filipinos are such a gentle and beautiful race. The Filipino nurses who cared for my toddler, couldn’t have cared for him any better than of he was their own.
    I do hope this goes up and up, such a deserving cause

  5. Hmm but will you be wearing that wig?

  6. livvielou

    I believe that wig has many magical powers…

  7. OK. £100 – bidding war, anyone?

  8. £105…There I was thinking in Irish Euros..sterling it is.

    Get me and Julie battling to bitter end ;O)

  9. £115 and I will offer to make Sarah the deepest richest gooiest Guinness chocolate cake too 🙂

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